To start off, the first thing that I have noticed is that the weather is very different from Arizona! As in extremely cold, and I feel that my days of wearing shorts are now restricted solely to trips to the impossibly difficult to gain access to Sports and Fitness Centre (but more on that later). The classes are also arraigned differently, in that I am not receiving tests every couple of weeks and homework assignments, but rather a test at the end of the semester, and perhaps an assignment of two. There seems to be an emphasis on the individual maintaining pace with the course, freeing the instructor up to lecture rather than go back and review.
Hearing that I would once again be living in the dorms, I had a flashback to my days in Hassyampa and how Freshman year was spent with sleepless nights and countless dorm room drinking experiences. As for that, I give you the European upgrade, and that is instead of requiring stealth to consume alcoholic beverages, I will now be allowed to purchase and consume at my own leisure wherever is seems that I find to my liking. As for the actual room that I am in, I believe that it is no larger than perhaps two study corrals at the bottom of Hayden (but I guess that is why they are called individual study rooms). My mattress reminds me of the pullout that I slept on when I was younger, and is a far, far cry from my much missed mattress at home.
As I mentioned above, I will discuss at a later time my current issues with the Sports and Fitness Centre. However, I will use it as a teaser to get you to come back to this horribly written, and very dry and bland blog.
OK-ready to hear about the Sports and Fitness Centre.