Thursday, 12 March 2009


Sorry for the delay in posting. It has been out of sheer laziness and in my opinion a lack of anything that is noteworthy to blog about. However the time has come to write something, and for that I will be inflicting upon you some rather mundane stories that will have you wishing you could get the 30 seconds that you spent reading this of your life back.

First off, I buzzed my hair, seeing as I am far, far away from my Mom (i.e. 7 time zones) I am now looking at my hair as a blank canvas. That means all the stupid hairstyles that I did not have the guts to do back home are now going to be tried out on an unsuspecting audience.

Second story to waste your time. I just recently started training with the football team here and to get to the training ground one must take the double-decked bus. Well on Tuesday, upon getting to the second level of the bus with some other mates from the team and proceeded to see a group of NED's (Non Educated Delinquents) already sitting there drinking and smoking. One, very high and drunk NED came forward and proceeded to interrogate us, first asking the most loaded question in Glasgow, "who do you support?". Which means do you support Glasgow Rangers or Glasgow Celtic, kind of a big deal in these parts due to the religious backings of the 2 clubs. My stock answer to this question has been a blank stare and then a stutter mentioning that I am from America. Well upon telling this NED that he asked my whereabouts and not wanting to explain myself any further told him California. To which he launched into a butchered version of some California song which soon turned into American Boy and then American Idiot. This being my first experience with a NED, I will say that they are indeed as dumb and as stupid as everyone makes them out to be.

Third story. Watch this video, I have probably seen it at least 100 times and cannot stop laughing. After you watch it the first time, on the second go around pause it at 20 seconds. Enjoy.

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